Grant Submission

Grant Submission
Department of Surgery provides the following services and resources to guide Surgery's Principal Investigators and Residents / Fellows and navigate the grant submission process. On this page, you will find best practices and protocols on grant policies, UCSF campus and NIH resources that provide important information on grant requirements, grant libraries and funding resources for health sciences.
Resources: Research Development Office
Grant Submission Timeline
All Investigator’s applications for extramural funding must be formally reviewed and approved by BOTH the Department of Surgery Chair’s office and the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) for Sign-off. Please email Ji Choi and your grant specialist as soon as you plan to submit a grant.
OSR + Chair’s Office Timeline
4-6 months |
Complex proposals (center grants, training grants, and cooperative agreements such as U01, P01, T32, and U54. |
60 Days |
Large Proposals (proposals with subcontracts including SBIRs/STTRs or with international components. |
30 Days |
Standard NIH applications (K and R awards), foundation grants, and trainee grant applications for which you are the mentor |
14 Days |
Submit draft of Chair's Letter to Ji Choi and Sabrina Lum |
10 Days |
Submit final budget, budget justification, and DRAFT research plan to OSR |
7 Days |
Sign-off on eProposal |
2 Business Days |
Submit final versions of ALL documents to OSR. No changes will be allowed. |
Department of Surgery Scientific Writing Core
For scientists forging academic careers, publication documents both their intellectual property and their productivity. The Department of Surgery's Scientific Writing Core provides scientific writing instruction, individual writing consultations, and editorial review for faculty, fellows, and residents, with the goals of enhancing their chances of obtaining extramural grant funding and publishing their work.